These German made LÖBRO GKN CV joints come with stock cages. We recommend using an aftermarket CV race cage when using a stock 934 CV joint for your long travel suspension. Most aftermarket race cages are made with the correct hardness so they don't break at high operating angles.
Always use the best grease available when servicing any racing CV joint.
- Stock cage.
- 33 Spline.
- 1/2" Flange holes.
- Made in Germany.

Limited Warranty for Products.
GKN warrants that all Products shall on delivery only:
- Conform in all material respects with the specification expressly set out or referred to in the Contract Documents.
- Be free from any material defects in design, to the extent the design is furnished by GKN and not the Customer.
- Be free from any material defects in materials and workmanship.
Recognizing that the Products are for use in Motorsport, and as such are intended to operate in extreme conditions for short periods of use, the limited warranty for Products does not constitute a warranty that the Products will remain either usable or any in particular state or condition for any particular time, and such limited warranty only applies to the Products at the point of delivery.